How to Create Finances That Grow Overtime, Give Lasting Value, and a Secure Life
This is for you if you are a coach, influencer, entrepreneur, small business woman, a Mom, other working women, or recent college graduate. Your personal finances will soar.
What could have multiple high-performing savings accounts, a guerrilla budget that puts money in your bank, mutual fund accounts that safely deliver great returns. The ability to buy a car, home, or education so your money still flows with ease, and a keen eye to spot scams--so you can; build finances, invest right, buy big things right and keep your life, your family, and your money safe forever?
Many Have Come Before You, Took my Advice, Created Air Tight Finances!
Well...I am confident I can deliver that dream for you. After a few decades of building wealth the right way, I can show you the same. I knew I was on to something when I figured out how to pay off $200,000 in debt in 4 years with a nominal income early in my career, build a business from scratch, and create money that banks for decades. I can show you your dream finances in my Course For Fantastic Finances. Getting debt-free is the key, or close to it! ---MsFinancialSavvy, aka Lois Center-Shabazz
The Myth of the "So-Called" Master Money Managers, Love to Promote
There is a common misconception about self-money managing-A dangerous fiction has been holding back professionals, entrepreneurs and everyday people for decades. It is that mega-money management is only meant for financial planners or advisers. The truth is, the vast majority of the folks perpetuating this myth are MONEY MANAGERS just trying to sell their own overpriced services by over-hyping their abilities.
Many only SELL over-priced, under-performing products they are instructed to sell by their companies. The reality is that anyone, with the right training, can learn to be a great self-money manager. It is your money, it is your investment, it is your future. Don't let a total stranger take it from you.
Remember Bernie Madoff, he made off with all of his investors’ money. It turned out, after his scam was discovered he was not even a "registered investment adviser" as he and his associates had lead his clients to believe. He stole from middle class hard-working people to multi-millionaires.
This is why YOU need money-management skills to protect your money and assets, now and in the future. If they had basic money-management and investment skills, they could have protected themselves from his company.
He is in prison but, there are many thieves like him still out there, operating as he did. Simply put: the goal of these self-proclaimed "master money-managers" is to make people who are perfectly capable of being successful managers of their own money and assets...feel like they aren't.
That is why Lois Center-Shabazz has created this brand-new course; #CourseForFantasticFinances to provide you with comprehensive money-management skills necessary to succeed...without
breaking the bank.
If you are a PROFESSIONAL COACH, INFLUENCER, SMALL BUSINESS…who is looking for better results building assets and investments, you need to come into the light of mega-money management.
If you are an ENTREPRENEUR…looking to build assets now and increase business value, you need money skills.
If you are PARENT…looking to educate your kids, give them the best life within reach and create a great living environment, this course if for you. Teachers, lawyers, nurses, business managers and other professionals - you are not too busy to managed your own money - this skill will benefit you greatly.
If you are a STUDENT or RECENT COLLEGE GRADUATE…you can learn the art of re-amortization to get free of student loan debt, start out building assets from the start by buying big things the right way, NOT the way a real estate or investment broker tells you to.
The course is your first and last step to accomplishing all your financial goals. Get a 76% discount on this course and get started now. This discount will not last.
Course for Fantastic Finances, Investing Aware, Solves Your Problems in 3 Ways
Creates A Foundation
The biggest problem I have found when coaching clients is the lack of a solid financial foundation. Most people tell me they guess and fail repeatedly. No more guessing, no more failing. Get started now!
A Reference Point Forever
You will have a reference point to look back and decide what is best for you. The course will be put up for as long as needed, you can return, review, and ask questions. You will understand your personal finances like the back of your hand.
Gift of Financial Detail
The details are here for every financial situation you can think of. Just go to the appropriate section, and there you will find the step-by-step financial problem solving situation to assist you.
Okay, that sounds good, but will this really work for you?
Here's how you can apply this to your life in just 3 steps:
Save And Buy Right
You will learn to debunk the fact that Americans don't save. It will be easy, efficient, and become a way of life. Of course, it starts with buying cars, homes, and other big things the right way. I will show you how to save thousands on those purchases and put money in the bank.
Get All the Details of Guerrilla Budgets and Investing Insights.
I know it sounds hard, but not when you have the right tools. A guerrilla budget will get you off and running, so you are never in need or want. From the right budget, comes the ability to invest. Don't worry, you can do that and I will show you; how low cost - low risk mutual funds can make you money.
Let's Get Personal.
When you get personal with your finances, (aka personal finances), allow a money strategist professional to help (like me), you will create the fantastic finances of your dreams. Car buying, home buying, increasing your credit score or managing a business; you will get it right the first time, and save tons of money too.

Featured In....
Learn Money Mastery and Financial Strategies For Life
The #CourseForFantasticFinances is the step-by-step system that allows you to turn average financial skills into
profitable top level Fantastic Finances. Use your online course modules anytime and anywhere.
How to use the 8-step Fantastic Finances Formula used by experts and professionals to create great finances in their life. They don't want you to know these formulas, so they can charge monstrous fees to tell you, these simple but profitable steps.
Learn to Manage Money The Right Way, Now! How to Improve Finances, Understand Types of Debt, and Grow Money Forever, no matter what your income. The formula works if you are single, separated, married, or divorced. For personal and business finances.
How to sort out the stress and mess of business
and / or personal finances. From the beginning to the end, clarification will replace all types of confusion.
Bonus, Bonus, Bonus!
You will learn what I did to jump-start my fantastic
finances journey, eliminating monstrous debt in record time.
This is for you if you are a small businesswoman, online coach, influencer, boss, investor, entrepreneur, or Mom
Let's Get Started!
The best time to start is now. The sooner you start the
earlier you will find success in personal and business finances.
The #CourseForFantasticFinances & Investing Aware Includes Success Tools
Success Tools Set 1
- Getting Started Tutorial
- A Course Workbook and MVF (Most Valuable
Finances Canvas) - 7 Presentations
- 13 PDF Reports Custom Prepared for CFFF Students
- 8 eBooks by award-winning personal finance author,
Lois Center-Shabazz - 4 Prepared Financial Spreadsheet Sets With Instructions for Use
Success Tools Set 2
- 8 eBooks by award-winning personal finance author,
Lois Center-Shabazz - 4 Prepared Financial
- 7 Exercises
- 9 Worksheets
- 7 Graphic Explanations
- 11 Quizzes
- 7 Exercises
- 9 Worksheets
- 7 Graphic Explanations
- 11 Quizzes
- Prepared Investment Research by Lois
Amazing Bonuses
PLUS: 6 Amazing Bonuses Included With Your Course:
1. Financial Affirmations pdf
2. Daily Action Form pdf
3. Printable Cash Flow Journal
4. Printable Meal Form For Savings
5. Home and Business Worksheet Planner
6. 31 Fantastic Finances Secrets
Now Is the Best Time to Start, It's Not to Soon.
Most of you know that procrastination is our greatest enemy. You have my help, you have the facts, you have the details. So, don't let procrastination hold you back.
It Takes A Little Effort
There are many ways to learn. Choose the best way you learn. The information is here. There are videos, audio, text. It will all allow you to create and keep money for life when you create your Fantastic Finances profile.
All 8 Award-Winning eBooks Are Included.
Most of you know that procrastination is our greatest enemy. You have help, you have the facts, you have the details. So, don't let procrastination hold you back.
There are 8 Highly Acclaimed eBooks Included With This Course.
All written by Lois Center-Shabazz
The Major Personal Finance Issues I Can Help You Solve are Unlimited!

Learning Modules+Bonus
MODULE 0: Course for Fantastic Finances Workbook
& MVF Canvas (Most Valuable Finances)
MODULE 1: Guerrilla Budgets
MODULE 2: Super Sane Savings
MODULE 3: Credit Scores Matter
MODULE 4: Debt's Can be Free
MODULE 5: Big Thing Buying Right (Cars, Home, College)
MODULE 6: Investing Insights: Mutual Fund Investing
MODULE 7: Small Business Bounce
MODULE 8: Complete Money WorkOver
3 Personal Group Coaching Sessions and 47 Fantastic Finances Secrets Swipe File PLUS 5 more top level bonuses.
Customer stories

Maybe - medical assistant
Just what my doctor ordered, I am now in the know of Fantastic Finances!

Candace - Author
Lois knows what she is talking about and will break down finances for everyone to understand.

Shelly - Artist
This is an excellent course, it covers all aspects of finance you will ever need. I was very satisfied.
About Financial Blogger, Lois Center-Shabazz

Lois is an financial author, blogger, investor and money strategist.
She has been featured in several national publications for her expertise about money, including guerrilla budgeting, sane savings, and investing insights. She has successfully invested in stocks and mutual funds for at least 25 years, ran a successful brick and mortar business for 20 years, and has gotten awards for her personal finance business.
She is the author of 8 personal finance eBooks, all featured and free with your CourseForFantasticFinances, also the creator of
She won the pinnacle book achievement award in 2002 for her print book, Let's Get Financial Savvy! Her first trade was as a dentist and small business owner. At that time she started her budgeting, savings, investing research and financial development business.
Lois' greatest claim to fame was paying off $200,000 in debt over a short period of time. She is excited about showing others how to achieve fantastic finances for life too. So, let's get started, and you can work with Lois.
Ponder These Questions...
Do you have a budget that doesn't bank all the time?
Do you want to get out of most of your debt, including credit cards and student loans, and understand how to stay out?
Is it scary to think about your investments because you can't manage or understand them?
Does it concern you that you are forced to trust total strangers with your retirement money?
Is it your dream to learn how to buy homes and cars the profitable way with your own detailed analysis?
Do you ever wonder how great it would be if you could understand something as profitable and simple as mutual fund investing for your own finances?
Answer yes to any of these questions and this course if for you! [Register Now!]
Master the Concept of the 4-Legged Stool
Achieve Money Mastery for Life
Leverage the metaphor of "The 4-Legged Stool" to consistently create powerful,
well-balanced growing finances.
The secret of "The Big Idea," and how this simple concept can transform average
finances into compelling finances that will keep you set for life.
The 4-Legged Stool
Keep it balanced. A stool cannot work with 3 legs, it falls. Your finances can and must
be balanced so your stool does not fall, and your finances don't fall into disarray.
Sane Savings - Guerrilla Budgeting - Investing Insights - Big Thing Buying
It all works together to prop up your finances forever. It does not matter if you make
a little or a lot - you must keep your stool balanced. That is one reason we hear of
millionaires and billionaires going bankrupt, because they need balanced finances
just like anyone else. It is not all about "just the money".
The Course For Fantastic Finances Will Give You The Balance You Need to Grow
and Secure Your Finances Forever. [Get 76% off the course now]
My Ultimate Deal For You
Here's The Deal;
I can come to you and your organization for $20,000 including speaking, air, hotel, and food with no ongoing support, OR you can purchase my course for just $747. which is 76% off the regular price $2994. with a lifetime of support.
The money you will save and make, when you learn the principles of this course will be huge compared to the cost.
This Course is For You If You Are A;
Professional, Entrepreneur, Influencer, Small Business, Coach, Recent Graduate, Student, Parent, Inherited Finances, Won the Lottery, or Anyone Else Who wants to Maximize Finances for Life.
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